Game of Thrones Season 6 filming is reaching a fever pitch. Just yesterday we had the fun of seeing Javi from Los Seite Reinos sneaking in and taking some long-range video of some combatants that were heavily speculated to be fighting in the rumored flashback scene from the Tower of Joy. Well, another video has popped up this morning, and it’s got a better view, and a lot more narrative. Warning: this post is heavily saturated in spoilers, and I will also warn you that the person (Richard Atkinson from Facebook) who took the video probably inaccurately identifies the men fighting. Thanks to Redditor reds24 for providing a mirror to the video.
So a few things here, as I do not think that Sean Bean is on set. I do, however, believe that it is a young Ned Stark fighting a legendary member of the Kingsguard…the only problem is that this particular Kingsguard is dual-wielding swords, and from what we know of Ser Arthur Dayne, he wields his House’s familial sword—Dawn—and his title is The Sword of the Morning. Ned also does not seem to have the Stark familial Valyrian steel sword Ice. George R.R. Martin has said before that Ned would not carry Ice in battle, as it’s size would make it unwieldy and impractical. Side note: notice the bodies of the fallen Kingsguard and Ned’s friends, lying on the ground.
Perhaps Arthur Dayne picks up one of his fallen brother’s swords and starts to fight Ned? My only problem with this speculation is that Dawn is supposed to be a greatsword, sometimes described as being wielded with two hands. Also, did you notice the diminutive male figure who seems to be almost hiding on the side? I know this is super-speculation, but if a legendary swordsman like Ser Arthur Dayne doesn’t notice the little man just chillin on the side, is Howland Reed using some of that Greenseer magic we’ve read and heard so much about?
Notice how this figure—who I am assuming is Howland Reed—is able to slide-up behind Dayne and stab him in the back. Wow, this is exciting stuff!
We’ve long suspected that actor Eddie Eyre will be portraying Dayne, and since this fun video popped up this morning, we thought Mr. Eyre’s tweet today was quite telling.
Always feel like a kid when I get to play with swords. Even though my parents never let me play with real ones. That would be IRRESPONSIBLE!
— Eddie Eyre (@EddieEyre) September 30, 2015
Stay tuned as more photos, videos and information from the filming of Game of Thrones Season 6 flood in today. We will keep you posted. “And now it begins…”
UPDATE: Because Richard Atkinson has become my new most favorite person on the internet, I am including a link to his full 10 minute video. This video includes all sorts of hilarious misadventures and incorrect celebrity sightings. He also gets chased off by the real Game of Thrones camera crew, and hunted down by security. Oh Richard, please continue to do what you do. You are awesome.
Next: Video of Ned Stark and Arthur Dayne fighting at the Tower of Joy