Karstark and Company: New Game of Thrones Season 6 Cast Members Uncovered

The show may be trying to keep everything it can about Game of Thrones Season 6 under wraps this season. But the producers are no match for the casting sleuths over at Watchers on the Wall. Perhaps these new roles aren’t the most glamorous parts in Season 6, but they still provide clues as to where this season might be going.

Of the three new roles uncovered by Watchers, the biggest is a new Lord Karstark. As viewers may remember, back in Season 3, Robb foolishly lopped off the head of the elder Karstark in a fit of righteousness that would have done his father proud, but it meant that he lost the military support of the Karstark family. This season, we’ll meet his son and heir. In the books, this character’s name was Harrion, but it looks like that name has been altered a bit for the show.

Actor Paul Rattray, above, will play the part—it’s listed on his United Agents CV. The name of the character is “Harald,” not Harrion, but the assumption is that it’s the same role. Here’s how the character was described in a casting notice:

"This northern lord is in his thirties or forties and rules a vassal house household with a castle stronghold. He’s “ruthless and calculating” and will appear in three episodes."

The character will appear in three episodes, which jives with Rattray listing the directors he’s worked with on the show as “various.”

Watchers also had news of two more minor roles. Actor Ruairí Heading will appear on Game of Thrones as “The Green Recruit,” according to his CV. This was a part listed in the original leaked casting calls, and some wondered if the lack of a name was a way to hide what character he’d be playing. But since that’s what’s on his CV, odds are good that the part is so minor that he doesn’t get a name. (And frankly, “green recruit” sounds like the Game of Thrones analog to a Red Shirt in Star Trek. We don’t like this guy’s chances.) He lists Jack Bender as his director, so expect this character to appear in episode 5 or 6.

And finally, child actor alert! One Annette Hannah has been congratulated on the website of her performing arts school for landing the role of “Francis” on Game of Thrones. We don’t have confirmation of who her director was, but in the article she mentions she “loved working with Lena Headey, Anton Lesser and Julian Glover!” That means she’ll be interacting with Cersei, Pycelle, and Qyburn respectively, So we know she’s in King’s Landing. Hopefully her character survives the encounter with Qyburn. This is another one we should be worried about.

But hey, she got to sit on the Iron Throne. Perhaps Cersei just thought she was too cute there, and decided to eliminate the competition.