Game of Thrones-themed beer being reissued, Girona celebrates filming with merch

It’s been a long time since Game of Thrones was just a TV show. It’s spun off a whole host of mini-industries, from Game of Thrones tee-shirts to Game of Thrones cookbooks and even Game of Thrones body pillows.

Brewery Ommegang, an outfit out of Cooperstown, NY, has gotten in on the craze by producing a number of Game of Thrones-themed beers. As of now, there are five in total: the Iron Throne Blonde Ale, Take the Black Stout, Fire and Blood Red Ale, Valar Morghulis Dubbel Ale, and Three-Eyed Raven Dark Saison Ale. The problem, if you want to call it that, is that Ommegang released the first couple beers in the series before the show was a worldwide phenomena. Back in 2013, when the Iron Throne Blonde Ale was released, Game of Thrones was merely a very popular fantasy show, and it seems that some people who came to the show later were sad they missed out.

“We heard from so many fans who were disappointed about missing the first two Game of Thrones beers,” said Josh Goodstadt, Vice President of Global Licensing at HBO. “The popularity of the beers has grown right alongside the popularity of the show, and we are thrilled to give these first two brews a second turn in the spotlight.”

To that end, Ommegang will rerelease the Iron Throne Blonde Ale and Take the Black Stout in September. They’ll be available in single 750-mililiter bottles and in a collectible gift pack featuring a bottle of each and a commemorative Game of Thrones glass. Drink up: Robert Baratheon would have wanted it that way.

Meanwhile, the Spanish city of Girona is also getting into the Game of Thrones branding game. The show’s production team is currently hard at work setting up to film parts of Season 6 in Girona, and local businesses have capitalized on the attention by producing piles of merch. A sample:

Head to El Punt Avui to see more of the tee-shirts, mugs, and pens by which businesses in Girona will build their empires. The Game of Thrones tourists are coming, and Spain is ready for them.


Next: George R.R. Martin takes a stand at the Hugo Awards, holds his own ceremony