And the worst part of Game of Thrones Season 5 is…

…Jaime and Bronn’s adventures in Dorne. Obviously.

Now and forever: gah…

This was a landslide “victory” for the Dornish storyline. Even in a season where people found plenty to complain about, this one still stood head and shoulders below the rest as the worst in show, at least according to the great majority of voters.

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The problems with the storyline are legion. I’ll let commenter Akash Singh sum it up:

"Dorne pissed me off the most because it honesty had all the tools to do it right and it still completely went off the rails. When the show makes changes or cuts things/characters, it largely makes sense with the Law of Conservation of Storytelling. Here, the complete lack of logic drove me crazy. The Sand Snakes are wasted, Ellaria is a 180 from the books, Doran was smart for about three minutes, and Hotah’s axe was a pathetic tease."

That sloppiness reared its head most obviously in “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” when Jaime, Bronn, and the Sand Snakes all tried to assault the Water Gardens with the same idiotic plan: wander around in broad daylight hoping not to run into any of the palace’s many armed guards, stumble upon Myrcella, and just sort of…leave with her, with no one being the wiser. It was asking a lot of the audience to get invested in this situation when everyone involved was clearly very stupid.

The limp choreography in the resulting fight scene didn’t help matters, and the many logical lapses in the Dornish scenes from “Mother’s Mercy” left us with a bad taste in our mouths. (No one thought to ask some follow-up questions after Ellaria passionately kissed Myrcella on the docks? Jaime couldn’t just turn the boat around after Ellaria’s treachery became apparent?) Overall, the entire plotline felt pointless and lazy, and it’s still unclear how much the Dornish characters will feature in Season 6, although signs point to them at least making an appearance. If they do return, let’s hope that the writers have taken more care with whatever plot they’re involved with.

Next: Geroge R.R. Martin debunks Game of Thrones movie rumors

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