Cast Speculates About Season Six at NYCC 2015

New York Comic Con is in full swing at the Javtis Center. Three of the cast members—Natalie Dormer, Keisha Castle Hughes and Finn Jones—were in attendance yesterday to sign autographs and speak to fans. Entertainment Weekly has a write up of the Thursday evening NYCC 2015 Game of Thrones panel, where they fielded a ton of questions. Everything was on the table, from Natalie Dormer’s resemblance to Kermit the Frog’s new girlfriend to what they think might happen in Season 6.

Dormer actually blames herself and a line of Season 3 dialogue for the former. If you remember, there’s a scene where she and Sansa are walking in the garden, and Margaery talks of how she was made fun of as a child for her pig-like nose.

“I asked in a dinner with David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss], ‘Please, can you put in a line about a pig nose? I was bullied at school, I used to get told I had pig nostrils. I said for my own demons, it would be sticking two middle fingers up to the bullies of my childhood. If you watch the DVDs, you’ll see me oinking backstage. When I saw that Kermit had a new girlfriend, I thought I might be responsible for that. I brought up the pig subject myself.”

She also said, to much wild speculation, that the producers had held a discussion on whether Margaery would have to do her own version of Cersei’s Walk in Season 6. She did not elaborate on whether anything of that nature is taking place. IGN reports though that she’s interested in a Cersei-Margaery team up, since the two of them are now facing some of the same problems.

“Oh God, I love working with Lena so much. Because Margaery is trying to be Cersei. She wants to be the mother of the king. I mean, she wants to have a child with him who winds up on the Iron Throne. And Cersei knows that. So it’s like the Cold War — mutually assured destruction! But it got really interesting last season and they’ve got new problems. So who knows… The enemy of my enemy is my friend, maybe?”

Finn Jones’ predicted that the series would end with the biggest battle of them all—one large enough to wipe out Westeros.

“I think there will be a huge battle between ice and fire,” Jones said, designating the possible sides as Daenerys’ dragons and the White Walkers. “I think ice and fire will completely destroy themselves in this great war, destroy all of Westeros, and I think a lot of people will die. Out of the ashes will come the people who will make Westeros anew. Maybe Bran, Hodor, Brienne, Tyrion.”

Castle-Hughes mentioned that for Season 6, she was rooting for Arya. She also, “for selfish reasons,” hoped one day that Obara Sand and Arya would meet in an assassins’ battle of wits. (My money’s on Arya.) She didn’t talk a lot about Dorne, as far as the reports go, except to once again gush over dearly departed dad Oberyn Martell. Dormer said she hoped to match wits against Ramsey Bolton. (“Here, drink this.”)

But it was Jones who, in the end, stole the show with his bold and wild Season 6 predictions of characters that should meet.

“I think Loras would probably turn Jon Snow gay,” he said, to much applause. “I’d like to see that happen. ‘You know nothing, Jon Snow.’ I’d teach him a thing or two.”

So first we’re going to resurrect Jon Snow, and then we’re going to pair him off with Loras. Seems reasonable. Let the fan fiction begin!

Speaking of Jon Snow, check out the video below of how the three of them reacted when the audience began asking about his fate.

Mmmm hmmmmmm. Dead huh. Suuuuuure. We’ll make sure to include that in the fan fiction.

The full, hour-long panel discussion is available to watch here.

Next: And the best part of Game of Thrones Season 5 is...