Photo: Emily Tharp
Philadelphia may be nicknamed the City of Brotherly Love, but it certainly wasn’t feeling to love for Game of Thrones this week at the Dilworth Plaza at City Hall. The city that famously once boo’d Santa Claus and threw things at him until he cried Uncle and ran away has a reputation to maintain. They aren’t impressed by myths come to life, and they’ll boo them all thank you very much.
According to, which seems rather tickled at the local residents living up, or perhaps down, to their reputation, the Game of Thrones dragon presentation that went over so well with fans in New York City only days prior just wasn’t that impressive to those who live just to the south. When the 3D dragon projection took off, the fans gathered, looked at it with all their side eye, and let loose a chorus of rejection.
Note the giggles from those around them. I mean, if there’s any city in the World that’s going to boo a dragon it’s the same ones who threw snowballs at Santa.
Hey, it could have been worse. Winter has already come and gone from the Eastern Seaboard in the US, so luckily the Dragon projection was not beset by my mobs throwing icy projectiles.
— Her Philly (@HerPhilly) March 17, 2016
Since Dragons don’t seem to be the city’s cup of tea, perhaps beer will go over better? Game of Thrones is already scheduled to return to the City of No Dragon Love in a couple of weeks. On April 14th, they’ll be taking over the old Eastern State Penitentiary Building for an event where they will partner with Brewery Ommegang, the makers of Game of Thrones inspired beers to celebrate the release of their newest micro brew in the Westeros collection, Seven Kingdoms Hoppy Wheat Ale.
At this time, no dragons are scheduled to attend the event. Instead everyone will drink and then fight over the right to sit on the Iron Thrones for photo ops.