New Game of Thrones Season 5 DVD ad features 100% more Jon Snow

It’s no surprise that HBO attempted to be cagey about Jon Snow’s fate in marketing for Season 6, but that approach has not extended to the ads for the Season 5 DVD/Blu-ray sets, as seen in this latest trailer.

Is this the best use of the Night’s Watch oath since Telltale’s Game of Thrones? The trailer features Kit Harington reciting the oath over a series of Jon Snow’s top-tier Season 5 scenes, building up to one deviously dramatic moment: “I shall live and die at my post” as Jon Snow stares at the wooden cross with “TRAITOR” written across it. That’s one way to try and convince people that he’s really, really dead. Whatever the case, this trailer certainly highlights the banner year the Night’s Watch had in terms of drama, including some brief but exciting shots from the epic Hardhome battle sequence and the foreboding shot of Alliser Thorne atop the Wall. (Noticeably absent is Olly—probably for the best.)

By the by, the Season 5 DVD/Blu-rays are available to purchase wherever DVDs/Blu-rays are sold.