Doctor Who: Potential Guest Appearances For Class


The latest Doctor Who spinoff, Class, is slated to begin filming soon. Here are a few ideas as to a few guest appearances we would want to see in the first season.

Of all the various Doctor Who spinoffs to come down the line, Class has the potential to be quite unique. Here, we will get the perspective of what these alien invasions are like from the viewpoint of the students at Coal Hill School, as opposed from seeing everything from the viewpoint of the Doctor and his companions. If ever anyone wondered what these moments were like for regular, every day Londoners, we can now find out.

But, the hope is that Class will be far more than that. Seen through the eyes of the students, we may get to see these actors grow and develop as they handle the various challenges that the Whoniverse sets forth. Of course, it may be difficult to see much change in an eight episode season, but there is always the hope that Class will last for longer than this one year.

What else would we want to see from the latest Doctor Who spinoff? What about a few key people from past seasons or episodes of Doctor Who, who could make their mark in this new program. Here are a few people whom we would like to see.

Next: Visits from some old friends


Bring back Clara Oswald and Danny Pink

We know how both Danny Pink and Clara Oswald met their end on Doctor Who. Danny was hit by a car and killed, becoming a part of Missy’s army of undead Cybermen. Clara survived another season before facing the raven, then being plucked from her timeline as the Doctor attempted to save her from her fate.

However, depending on the time frame of the events at Coal Hill, those tragic endings may not have occurred just yet. Danny and Clara could well be at the school, teaching their respective classes and going about their lives. Their eventual fates may not yet have befallen them.

As such, it would be great to see both characters make an appearance, if only as a cameo. Bringing Danny and Clara back, and putting them in a part of the episodes, would lend an air of continuity to Class, showing that it truly is a part of the Whoniverse.

While Doctor Who does not have a straight timeline, given the travels of the Doctor, those without the ability to travel through time have that one straight path. Bringing in pieces of that past will help make Class seem more realistic.

Next: The chairman


A chance to bring back Ian Chesterton

Despite not being seen on television since his travels with the First Doctor, Ian Chesterton has remained a key part of the makeup of Coal Hill School. He continued to teach after he and Barbara returned from their travels, and is currently the Chairman of the Governors for the school. It would make sense that, in a show based upon that very school, he could play a key part.

After all, if there is going to be anyone at Coal Hill that would understand what is happening, it would be Ian. He spent two years travelling with the Doctor, encountering different creatures and species in his adventures.

Ian has also been at Coal Hill as other attacks have been made, either in London or at the school itself. As someone who has, at least on a peripheral level, been around fifty years worth of invasions and other alien incursions, he would be quite the mentor for these students as they cope with the challenges of dealing with various threats.

Ian Chesterton played an important part in the first years of Doctor Who, and he could do the same with Class. it would be great to see the former companion, and a true link to the early days of the show, make an appearance or two.

Next: She was special after all


Courtney Woods

While Series Eight of Doctor Who was generally less than stellar, there were a few positive moments and excellent characters. One of those was Courtney Woods, a difficult student with a penchant for speaking her mind and getting into trouble.

Yet, even though she may still be considered somewhat troublesome, there was enough growth displayed between her debut and when she was last seen. Not only did she get a chance to travel with the Doctor, but she also played a key part in ensuring that the creature within the egg known as the Moon was not killed, saving the planet from destruction.

The idea that the students of Class could have a peer who has not only travelled with the Doctor, but has been a part of saving the planet, as a mentor, is something that should not be passed on. A more mature Courtney, one who is willing to help her fellow students as they deal with the experience of these happenings going on at their school.

Courtney Woods grew a great deal during her three appearances in Series Eight. By making her a guest star on Class, that growth could continue even more.

Next: He has to appear at some point, right?


The Doctor

Can it really be a Doctor Who spinoff without seeing the Doctor at least once, especially when the show is set at such an important place in the Whoniverse?

With the action centering upon new creatures and incursions facing the school, as well as getting a chance to see these events from another viewpoint, it makes sense for the Doctor to make a cameo at some point. As he is out saving the universe, he would eventually have to make an appearance at Coal Hill, especially if it is the focal point of these adventures.

It would certainly be easy enough to bring the Doctor in. After all, he disguised himself as the new caretaker at Coal Hill as he sought to trap a rogue Skovox Blitzer. The school itself was chosen for the trap, bringing the students potentially into the line of fire. Should the cast of Class be considered to have been at the school when those events took place, it would be easy enough to have an episode where they look at that instance from their vantage point.

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If nothing else, people would tune in to Class just to see the Doctor make an appearance. Perhaps that cameo would be enough to get people hooked on the spinoff, making Class more than a one season novelty.