First up, Tormund Giantsbane. I’m betting he’s staring gaggle-eyed at Brienne after she arrives at the Wall.
Staying at the Wall, Dolorous Edd is looking dour. So business as usual.
In addition to the two-shot on the last page, we’ve also got profile pictures of Theon…
…and Yara Greyjoy. Man, she must really tear into him—it looks like he’s misting up in his shot. Also, I like how she’s framed against the kraken fireplace just like Balon used to be. Yara for ruler of the Iron Islands!
Moving to the Vale, we’ve got Littlefinger looking pretty sure of himself standing in front of a cadre of knights.
Robin Arryn still looks pretty sicky. I don’t recognize the man next to him, but I imagine he’s the guy saddled with the impossible task of trying to train Robin in archery. I feel for him.
In Meereen, Tyrion, Varys, and Missandei hang out. It looks like they’re receiving somebody, but they’re not in the throne room, so it must be in an informal setting.
Missandei and Grey Worm, exasperated by Tyrion’s further attempts to force them to have fun, get some air.
Hopping over to Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys’ wig is looking much better. She must have found time to chance into a fresh one.
A khal stares google-eyed at something. I have a couple guesses as to what, but I’ll let you guys hash it out.
I don’t know if Dany is going to need Jorah and Daario’s help, but dammit, they’re gonna come to the rescue anyway. Jorah seems especially enthusiastic…
…while Daario seems just a little over it. Is he in the middle of an eye roll here?
In King’s Landing, Cersei contemplates the mysteries of life.
This shot of Margaery has actually been around for a while. It makes sense that we’ll be seeing it in the next episode, though. She looks extremely ready to be out of there.
And that’s it! Three days until we see all of this stuff in action.