“Battle of the Bastards,” the all-important ninth episode of Game of Thrones Season 6, airs tonight, and all eyes are on the internet to see if the show leaks ahead of time. It’s no secret that Game of Thrones has had problem with piracy in the past. The first four episodes of Season 5 famously leaked before the Season 5 premiere even aired. To this day, no one’s sure exactly who leaked them, but the watermarks told us that, whoever it was, they had access to copies of advance episodes HBO sent to the press for review.
This year, HBO managed to avoid a repeat of that incident by not sending out press screeners ahead of Season 6, but there have still been problems. For example, an HBO affiliate accidentally uploaded “The Door,” the fifth and arguably best episode of Game of Thrones Season 6 so far, to its website a day before it made its official TV debut, and “No One,” the eighth episode of Season 6, got out a little early, too. For a while, a Spanish YouTuber with access to plot details would spoil Season 6 episodes online ahead of time, although HBO eventually got him to stop.
In short, even though Season 6 has been less leaky than Season 5, there have still been leaks aplenty. “Battle of the Bastards” may be more anticipated than any other episode this year, so everyone’s eager to see if it comes out early. As of this writing, it has yet to leak, but there’s still time. If HBO can manage to manage to keep this particular episode from getting there before 8:00 p.m. CST tonight, it will have scored a victory. Yeah, it was a bumpy road getting here, but it’ll count for a lot if can get a grip on its own security before Season 6 comes to an end.