Watch every deleted scene from Game of Thrones yet released, all in one video

Game of Thrones only has 10 episodes every season, and while that seems like a small number, it’s a little misleading. The average episode of Game of Thrones clocks in around 54 minutes, while an average episode of network television (and, generally speaking, cable television), is around 42 minutes long. So an average season of Game of Thrones lasts almost as long as 13 episodes of normal TV.

What I’m saying is: there’s a lot of Game of Thrones footage to go around every year. And unfortunately, a lot gets cut. Deleted scenes started showing up on the home video release for Season 2 (there were no deleted scenes on the Season 1 boxset, since very little of what got shot didn’t end up in the final product—in fact, the producers had to film extra scenes for Season 1 because some episodes came in short). YouTuber Weirwood has collected all of the deleted scenes from Seasons 1-5 into a wonderful video that might help you scratch that Game of Thrones itch while you wait patiently for Season 7. It’s not embeddable, but you can watch it here.

Highlights include:

  • Loras and Margaery talk about Loras’ grief in the aftermath of Renly’s death. I wish this had made it into the final cut, since it enriches Loras’ character a bit.
  • The Hound intimidates Sansa in the Red Keep, and Tyrion swoops in to rescue her. It enriches the relationships between all three characters.
  • An extended version of the scene from Season 3 where Jon meets Mance Rayder, first assuming that Tormund is the King Beyond the Wall.
  • In Season 3, Tywin and Pycelle chat about Pycelle’s place on the Small Council, and we discover that the old man is more than he seems.
  • Bronn comforts Shae after Tyrion tells her he’s sending her to Pentos. It’s a rare moment between non-nobles on the show, and provides some setup for Shae’s betrayal of Tyrion later in the season

It’s a fun roundup, and makes you wonder what the production will have for us on the Season 6 home boxset.

One deleted scene that no one has ever seen: a flashback scene filmed for Season 1 where Brandon Stark, played by Sean Bean, is strangled by the Mad King. That’s kind of the holy grail of deleted Game of Thrones scenes, so hopefully the producers will release it after the show is over.