Season 7 filming: Updates from Spain, and a main cast member shows up at Wolf Hill

ByDan Selcke|

Image: Elemaki. License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Filming on Game of Thrones Season 7 continues in Spain and elsewhere. Let’s start in Cáceres, where the production will close parts of city’s Old Town district so it can film scenes on December 13 and 14. Los Siete Reinos has a few new bits of information about that shoot:

  • Female extras will figure in to the filming. Cáceres is the only place in Spain that will use female extras. Elsewhere, it’s been all men, most of them playing soldiers of some kind.
  • Male extras will play a part, too: some will be Lannister guards. However, unlike elsewhere in Spain, these extras required no military training. That means there probably won’t be any fighting in these scenes, or at least not fighting that involves extras.

What does this tell us? Most likely, Cáceres will stand in for King’s Landing, with the female extras as smallfolk and the Lannister guards as…Lannister guards. Also note the architecture of the area—that’s a panorama of the Old Town district at the top of the post. It’s easy to see that as King’s Landing.

Okay, from here on out we get into SPOILERS.

Elsewhere in Spain, the production is in the midst of filming a huge battle scene at the Barrueco de Arriba near Malpartida. In summary form, Daenerys and her army will ambush the Lannister army as it heads back to King’s Landing from Highgarden, laden with pilfered goods. (Head here for a fuller account.) The production will remain in the area until December 10, and Los Siete Reinos has a new shot of the Lannister caravans on the move.

As you can see, the resources on display are pretty extensive. This will be a big one.

Finally, Watchers on the Wall has news from Wolf Hall Quarry near Belfast, where the production has constructed an icy, outdoor set. Check out an overhead view in this drone video:

Filming has already begun as this location, and according to Watchers, it’ll continue for another three weeks. (Those who have kept their ears to the ground regarding SPOILERS probably have a decent idea of what scenes will be filmed here.) Now, the site posted a photo from the area:

Although it’s a grainy pic, Watchers is “confident” that this is Kit Harington (Jon Snow), bundled up for his stay beyond the Wall.