John Barrowman Has a Meeting, Poses with TARDIS at the BBC

John Barrowman stopped by the BBC earlier this week. Naturally, in doing so, he has riled up the imagination of Doctor Who and Torchwood fans once again.

It seems as though John Barrowman cannot do much of anything without fans of Doctor Who and Torchwood becoming anxious for big news involving the man. Perhaps this is due to his repeated statements that he would love to reprise his role as Captain Jack Harkness on screen, either on Doctor Who, or in a return to Torchwood. Alas, nothing has come of those desires as of yet.

That, however, does not stop us from hoping that something will happen at some point. Likewise, this is something of which Barrowman is quite aware, which probably fuels his continual interest in discussing a return. As such, considering that he took a trip to the BBC earlier this week, it is easy for one’s imagination to run amok.

Of course, in stopping by for what was called a quick meeting, Barrowman took the time to take a picture with his manager, Gavin Barker. In front of a life sized TARDIS. Because, of course he did. To be fair, if I were wandering about someplace and a life sized TARDIS was there, I would also take a picture of myself with it. Most of us would.

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In a way, one has to wonder if Barrowman took this picture in front of the TARDIS to send a particular message. After all, he knows how much the fans want him back. Likewise, he wants to come back. Maybe by taking that picture, he is showing that is doing everything he can to make that happen.

It is also interesting to note the “fingers crossed” part of the caption. It would seem that Barrowman and his manager were at the BBC to discuss something specific, although details are not available to us. Perhaps those discussions involved a return to Doctor Who, or for Torchwood to finally go back into production. Of course, the meeting could have been about practically anything, but one can hope.

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John Barrowman certainly knows how to keep fans interested and how to remain a topic of discussion. Perhaps, this time, he will find a way to return in all his glory to Doctor Who or Torchwood.