10 Game of Thrones prequel series ideas

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever talked to a Game of Thrones fan that has read all the books? We all have, and at some point the conversation always turns to just how much more information there is in George R.R. Martin’s novels compared to the show. We won’t bore you with the usual “books vs TV” argument, but we will tell you that there is a TON of information in the books that doesn’t appear on the show, or is only briefly mentioned.

Why do we bring this up? Because the words Game of Thrones prequel always seems to set the internet on fire. HBO bosses can’t seem to stop talking about it. Fans can’t seem to stop talking about it, and even Martin can’t seem to stop talking about it. Everyone loves Game of Thrones, and we all want more.

Martin has given us plenty of options in the prequel department, with Westerosi history going back almost to the dawn of creation. There are Targaryen civil wars, rebellions, little side stories like Star Wars’ Rogue One, and even Dorne is exciting the way Martin writes it (sorry HBO). There is enough material for HBO to have some sort of prequel series, for easily the next fifty years.

And so, here are the ten best prequel ideas as chosen by us. These aren’t the only ten options, and some of them could perhaps even be combined with others, but they are ten nonetheless. We tried not to spoil all the endings in case HBO produces any of these, but there are some details. Now that you’ve been warned, read on, and let us hear what you think!

Next: 10. The Blackfyre Rebellions