Doctor Who: Pokémon GO Reference in ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio’

Pokémon GO may not be as popular as it had been when it first came out, but that doesn’t mean that no one currently pays attention to the game. In fact, it even made a cameo on Doctor Who.

Remember the Pokémon GO craze from a few months ago? Seemingly everyone was wandering about, chasing imaginary creatures by throwing balls at them. Do it with a phone, and it’s a fun game. Do it in reality while wearing a toga and a hat made of bacon while screaming about geese? Well, that involves a lot of awkward questions and some time in a mental ward. Not that I know or anything…

Anyway, I digress. While it is unlikely that the game will again reach the heights of popularity that it had when it first came out, Pokémon GO still has an audience. And it still continues to attract attention, even in the Whoniverse as it was made reference to in the Doctor Who Christmas special.

No, the Doctor was not attempting to capture a Pikachu. Instead, in need of a diversion, he flooded the downstairs area of a building with Pokémon. Naturally, those seeking new creatures flocked to the scene with their phones, causing the havoc that the Doctor desired. It was an amusing and clever joke to include on the show.

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It is unusual to have branded objects be referenced or seen on Doctor Who, but not unprecedented. For example, the Doctor has a history of loving both Jelly Babies and Jammie Dodgers. What is particularly nice is that these products never seem to be there for any sort of commercial reason. With the recent budget cuts at the BBC, however, is it possible that this will change? Could it even legally do so with a public institution?

Just imagine. Perhaps the Doctor has a beer, leaving the label facing the camera. Or he gets a new jacket from a local store. Or maybe Bill grabs a meal at a local restaurant, with their name appearing on screen. All for a nominal fee, of course.

But, really, we hope that it does not come to that.

(Article continues below the related and next post links.)

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Pokémon GO may not be as widely popular as it had once been, but that does not mean that its user base has dried up. Apparently, even the Doctor dabbles in the game from time to time, at least enough to use in a pinch.