Sometimes, fans can’t help but associate actors with the characters they play on TV or in the movies. Jacob Anderson plays Grey Worm, a eunuch warrior, on Game of Thrones. That can get a little awkward, as Anderson explained to the Daily Star:
"People actually ask me if I have genitals in real life. They really think I’ve been castrated. They also ask if the dragons are real. Sometimes people are taking the piss but others really can’t understand it is not real life."
There are times, Anderson said, when this kind of attention from fans can be “weird and alarming.” We don’t doubt it. “I like to keep myself to myself, so it is a bit freaky when you’re stuck on a tube and someone is just staring at you or trying to take a picture of you.”
Of course, that’s part of the weird price you pay for working on the biggest show on television, an experience that sounds like it has more ups than downs. “It’s like going on a massive holiday camp for six weeks,” Anderson said of filming the show. “I get to mess about with my friends and film the best show on TV at the same time.”
In more serious news, Anderson also notes that he’s finished filming scenes for Game of Thrones Season 7. We didn’t see too much of Anderson during the Season 7 filming period, although he did pop up at the Castillo de Almodóvar del Río a couple months back. (Beware SPOILERS in that link.)
HBO will continue to film Season 7 through the end of February. The Sun writes that Anderson being finished this early suggests that Grey Worm may die in the upcoming year, but it’s hard to be sure. Depending on how recently he finished, Anderson still could have gotten in several months worth of shooting, which would probably be enough for a supporting character like Grey Worm. Don’t write him off just yet.