Matt Lucas Is Ours Forever – Well For Season 10 Anyway

Nardole fans rejoice. Thanks to a sweet new contract, Matt Lucas will return for the new season of Doctor Who and it looks like he’s in every episode.

Attention Nardole fans, Matt Lucas is returning for season 10.  And it seems like he’s going to be featured in every episode! That, my fellow Whovians, is exciting news.

We first met Lucas’ character, Nardole, in the 2015 Christmas Special, “The Husbands Of River Song.”  The Doctor finds him on the human colony of Mendorax Dellora in the year 5343. He turned up again in last year’s Christmas Special, “The Return Of Doctor Mysterio,” and now will be a featured player.

He was a fan favorite, and Nardole’s role in season 10 has been extended as a result. According to showrunner, Steven Moffat, “He was contracted for certain episodes , and he’s crept into far more of them. I think he’s going to end up being in all of them, in fact, because we love him.”

His character is going to be slightly reworked, however. Moffat explains, “he’s not just rent-a-duffer, as he was in ‘The Husbands of River Song,’ where he was a relatively small character, killed off early on. This is a chance to slightly reconfigure him. He’s a wee bit cheeky to the Doctor, but he’s genuinely helpful and good at things.”

Nardole’s featured role marks the first time in a great while the Doctor has had a non-human in the squad. So it could be a historic season for the long-running show. Matt Lucas teased us with a bit as well! “Nardole is the first non-human companion in quite a long time… he knows things even the Doctor wouldn’t know!”

Related Story: Doctor Who: Ratings Record for ‘The Return of Doctor Mysterio’ on BBC America

If we can believe Steven Moffat, it’s looking good for Nardole to be around for the entire season. This could make for some very interesting character shake ups.