Video: 2Cellos goes all out with a cover of the Game of Thrones theme song

Look, a lot of people have covered the Game of Thrones theme song over the years, and we suspect a lot more will before the show is over. It brings that out in people. Very few of the are classically trained cellists, however, and fewer still are signed to a major music label. And fewer still go to the trouble of producing a full length music video for their cover, complete with soaring shots of Dubrovnik and trippy editing.

Croatian cello duo 2Cellos has done all that, though. Behold the fruits of their labors:

Now those are two guys who take classical musicianship seriously. Or not seriously enough. Whatever. It was good. And points for incorporating “The Rains of Castamere” into the beginning. It sounds like they know their Thrones as well as their Beethoven.

The two cellists of 2Cellos are Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauser. They’ve made a career of taking popular songs—including hits by the likes of Guns N’ Roses, Nirvana, and Michael Jackson—are giving them cello rearrangements. They’ve toured internationally, been featured on TV shows like Glee and made three albums. They still make traditional classical music, too, but most people seem more interesting when they’re, say, covering AC/DC.

The Game of Thrones theme song cover is off their forthcoming fourth album, Score, out on March 17.