Death is commonplace on Game of Thrones, and there’s no reason to expect Season 7 will be any different. To that end, sports oddmakers are looking to get in on the bloody action. Entertainment Weekly reports that Sports Betting Experts polled 10,000 GoT fans on a number of burning questions, including who was most likely to die in the coming season. Who do fans think is the next to go?
Theon Greyjoy was at the head of the pack with 14% of the vote. At the moment, Theon is being pursued by his madman uncle Euron Greyjoy and his massive Ironborn fleet, so he’s definitely in harm’s way. And in the grand scheme of the story, Theon and Yara may be more expendable than, say, Daenerys Targaryen.
Is Alfie Allen the next actor to get the dreaded phone call of death from showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss? The fans from this survey think so. What about you?
Next up is Melisandre, with 8%. Despite her apparent longevity, resilience to poison and talent for resurrection, fans apparently don’t think she’s long for this world.
You’d think that few fans want to see Ser Davos (7%) meet his maker, but the fans polled think he might be destined for the funeral pyre. Admittedly, the Onion Knight isn’t much of a fighter when it comes to swordplay, but his wisdom and counsel have proved vital to the success of various military campaigns for multiple leaders. It’ll be a blow to the good guys if they lose Davos.
Jorah Mormont, Yara Greyjoy, Gregor Clegane and Robin Arryn also rank high the death scale. The characters given the lowest odds of dying were Jon Snow (1.05%—don’t bet against the guy who already beat death once), Daenerys Targaryen (1.12%—can’t beat dragon bodyguards), Bran Stark (1.32%—seems like he’s guaranteed to move on to bigger things) and Cersei Lannister (2.32%—blowing up Septs with all of your enemies in it = priceless to survival).
Of course, betting is all about winning big, and winning big means hitting longer odds. The oddsmakers suggest you lay your gold coins on characters with somewhat decent prospects, such as Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister or Euron Greyjoy. Of course, no character is ever truly safe on Game of Thrones, so the chances of hitting a long shot aren’t insurmountable.
A few of the other GoT questions covered in the Sports Betting Experts poll (with betting odds) are:
- Method of First Onscreen Death in Season 7 (Voted most likely: Death by White Walker)
- Arya’s First Kill in Season 7: (Voted most likely: Thoros of Myr)
- Religion of the Final Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms: (Voted most likely: Valyrian…which isn’t a religion, but whatever)
It’s all guesswork, of course. We have no idea which poor souls the Benioff and Weiss will terminate, but if the Super Bowl doesn’t sate your gambling spirit, this looks like fun.