3 Questions We Need THe Doctor Who Second Episode To Answer


We really need the Doctor Who second episode, Smile, to answer these questions. We deserve some answers and need to know it all right now.

The season 10 premiere was everything we wanted it to be, but it left some lingering questions. Here are 3 questions we need the Doctor Who second episode, “Smile” to answer.

What’s in the vault?

Photo: BBC

There is something very precious in the vault under St. Luke’s University in Bristol. It’s so precious, in fact, the Doctor stuck around for 70 years to guard it. The Doctor and Nardole both hinted at it’s great danger or significance, and if you look close, you can see some Gallifreyan-looking symbols on the door. We already know that two versions of the Master are returning, so maybe there’s something about that in there.

How does the Doctor know Bill’s mom?

Photo: BBC

Bill may not have noticed it, or at least she didn’t react to it, but we certainly saw the Doctor in those photos of Bill’s mom. It also looks like he was the one who actually took the picture. This is a very intimate act. Could it be they were involved romantically? Surely, it’s not an accident that Bill wound up in the Doctor’s class if he knew her mother?

Why does the Doctor keep all the old sonic screwdrivers?

Photo: BBC

Is he plotting some huge project in which he may need all the old parts? Or is the Doctor just sentimental about parting with his gadgets?

Related Story: Several Doctor Who Technologies That Actually Exist … Sort Of

Bonus question: Is Nardole and android now?

Photo: BBC

Those squeaking joints and loose screws might be a giveaway that Nardole might be a little worse for wear after his decapitation experience. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in the Doctor Who universe.

Did the premiere leave you wondering anything? What questions do you have for Doctor Who’s second episode, “Smile.”