Doctor Who Celebrity: Michelle Gomez Narrating Mr Men Makes Has Us Fangirling

Haven’t you ever wanted to read a book about…yourself!? That’s just what Michelle Gomez got to do in the revolutionary Mr Men Doctor Who books!

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I bet you didn’t know that there was a series of books where Doctor Who characters were drawn as Mr Men characters. Mr. Men characters are incredibly popular among children, and now Doctor Who fans.

There are currently four of them, Dr. First, Dr. Fourth, Dr. Eleventh, and Dr. Twetlfth. These books include other characters that correspond with the Doctors such as River Song, a Dalek, and even Missy. Since these books just came out on Tuesday, it’s no wonder that there has been a whirlwind in the Doctor Who fandom.

Originally, Roger Hargreaves began using Mr Men books as a way to help young children understand feelings, I’m sure you all have seen the Mr Happy/Sad/Angry creatures on faces. After Roger died, his son Adam, decided to continue the legacy, which soon morphed into the Doctor Who books.

So, What happened to make everyone so crazy?

With the release of the books, a YouTube video was found of Michelle Gomez (Missy), narrating the book about twelve, where she makes an appearance.  We all love Missy, no one can deny how amazing she is at being wild and crazy. Of course it was put up on YouTube and has had all of the Doctor Who fans in a tizzy.

The books truly are amazing, and fans don’t know what to do as they try to handle the cuteness of these characters for kids and fans. But even if you don’t have kids, it won’t feel weird to pick up these books, Adam has made sure there is enough content in there for a fan to enjoy them as well.

So for tonight, when you go to read your child a story, or if you need something nice to listen to, just put this on repeat, and let Michelle Gomez read you to sleep.

Next: Is Missy Really The Master?

What do you think of the Doctor Who Mr Men? The first wave, Dr. First, Dr. Fourth, Dr. Eleventh, and Dr. Twelfth are currently available. (Click on the name to go to Amazon!)