Every Game of Thrones Spoiler We Know for Season 7

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After the battle is over, Deanerys burns someone alive

Let’s get this out of the way first: although the Lannisters lose the Battle of Los Barruecos, Jaime and Bronn escape back to King’s Landing, so they’re not around for this next part.

Not everyone is as lucky. In early December of 2016, a video from behind the scenes of the battle shoot emerged. It depicted a man being set on fire. We think we know what’s happening here, but have a watch yourself first.

So what’s going on here?

  • A dude wearing a cloak, probably a stuntman, is set on fire.
  • As he goes up, someone yells, “No, Khaleesi!” and then, “What sort of witchcraft is this?”
  • The dude rolls on the ground until the crew guys put him out. I hope he was paid well for this day.

The exact nature of this video is up to interpretation, but here’s what we think happens:

  • The guy is Randyll Tarly. After his defeat, Daenerys demands he swear her loyalty. He refuses, so she has Drogon light him up.
  • Dickon Tarly, Randyll’s son, yells “No, Khaleesi!” and “What sort of witchcraft is this?” as he watches his father burn.

Why would Dickon address Daenerys as “Khaleesi?” Perhaps he’s trying to give her the soft sell after she whips him and his men on the battlefield. It could also be a member of her Dothraki horde, who will be present at the Battle of the Los Barruecos, although we’re not sure why they’d object to her immolating an enemy.

Whoever’s shouting, this is a potentially troubling sign from Daenerys. Remember when she wanted to massacre the slavers during “Battle of the Bastards” and Tyrion talked her out of it? Looks like he won’t be successful this time.

Next: The Meeting of The Minds