Season 7: Missandei and Grey Worm will “confront their…feelings” about each other

Game of Thrones is famous for bringing the death and despair, but it does allow a ray of hope to shine through on occasion. Case in point: the relationship between Missandei and Grey Worm, two of Daenerys’ top advisors, has been quietly developing for seasons, and has an air of innocence that’s unusual for the series.

Missandei and Grey Worm have a lot in common. They’re both former slaves who had, to put it lightly, difficult childhoods. They were both liberated by the Mother of Dragons and feel an undying sense of loyalty towards her. But while they’re obviously attracted to one another, they’ve had trouble taking the next step, and not just because Grey Worm, as an Unsullied soldier, is a eunuch. “These two have always hidden behind their duty,” Emmanuel told Entertainment Weekly. “But times like this where it’s not guaranteed they will even see each other again, where he might be killed and she might be … who knows … they’re having to confront their emotions and feelings to each other.”

There’s nothing like the prospect of war and death to bring a couple together. And let’s remember that we caught a glimpse of Missandei ripping open Grey Worm’s tunic in the first trailer for season 7, so it looks like the two of them will beat the odds and get it on at some point this year.

Speaking about the season more generally, Emmanuel said that, this year, the show has topped itself once again.

"It’s the same thing every season: I don’t think [showruners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] can outdo themselves, and then they do. And the role that Missandei has been playing becomes ever more important because they’re facing war and potential death. Distractions aren’t really welcome, though Missandei has a few of her own."

I look forward to seeing how they can beef up Missandei’s role in the story. With fewer characters around, there should be room for it, but then again, there are fewer episodes, too, so maybe it’ll balance out.

Next: Sophie Turner wants Sansa Stark to have 'more kills' in the final seasons of Game of Thrones

As a parting shot, Emmanuel weighed in on Missandei’s new black leather season 7 getup. “[The costume] feels like a gladiator/Power Ranger.”

Hard to argue with that.