Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “Dragonstone”

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After the cold opening, we get an all-Westeros credits sequence that includes a new shot of the spiffy-looking Citadel in Oldtown. How pretty.

From beauty to horror, the first shot following the credits depicts a wintry landscape. It’s a slow reveal to the Night King and his army marching towards the Wall, a chilling reminder of what’s coming for the Seven Kingdoms.

And here’s the man himself: the Night King, ladies and gentlemen.

Followed by his army in their thousands.

There are wight giants in it. Come on, this isn’t even fair anymore.

One last close-up to haunt your nightmares:

Typically, the White Walkers only appear once per season. We’re betting the army of the dead will pop up at least once more in the next seven episodes, so season 7 will probably break new ground.

Staying north of the Wall, Bran and Meera have arrived at the Wall, and are discovered by the interim Lord Commander, Dolorous Edd.

Edd is initially hesitant to believe these two are who they say they are, but then Bran goes all Three-Eyed Raven on him, and the pair are allowed to pass.

After one last look north, Edd follows them through the tunnel. After what we just saw, Edd is right to look terrified.

Good to see he’s keeping Jon’s fluffy-shouldered cloak warm for him.