Not too long ago, Yara Greyjoy’s life was looking up. She made an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen and landed back in Westeros. How could she fail to unseat her crazy Uncle Euron and take her place on the Salt Throne with the Mother of Dragons at her side?
But it was not to be. While on a mission for Daenerys, Euron surprised Yara and her brother Theon on the open water. There was a battle at sea, and Yara’s fleet was burned. What’s more, when Theon had a chance to fight for his sister, he jumped into the water instead. Speaking to Newsweek, actor Gemma Whelan said that Yara feels “utterly defeated in every way.”
"This isn’t what they set out to do, and now the wheels have come off. She has a lot of fury and anger toward Euron. And she was about to get some below deck—so she’s pissed off about that as well."
Yes, on top of everything else, Euron ruined Yara’s chances to score with Ellaria Sand. You don’t just forgive a thing like that.
But what of Theon? Has Yara given up on her brother? “She feels betrayed, but I think she gets it,” Whelan said. “The one thing about Yara is that she loves her brother. She’s really upset at this point that they’re defeated, and she sees that he gets spooked and has no choice [but to save himself].”
"I think people have made some really good points on social media. I follow what people say…. It’s true: He has PTSD. He gets spooked. He can’t do anything to help her at that stage."
Social media HAS been pretty vocal about Theon’s decision to abandon ship, as demonstrated below:
Savage af 😂 #GameOfThrones
— Game of Thrones Memes (@Thrones_Memes) July 27, 2017
I refuse to apologize for my love of bad puns.
Anyway, to use Newsweek’s words, Whelan said that things will get “a lot worse” for Yara now that she’s in Euron’s clutches. “It’s not looking good, is it?” she said. “But we’ll see.” And yet not all hope is gone. Might Theon, for example, rue what he did and try to save his sister like she tried to save him when he was a prisoner at the Dreadfort?
"I don’t know if he has the thought, ‘If I quit now, I can save her.’ I think he does have PTSD, and afterwards he will be pissed [off] at himself. He might do something about it…. You never know."
Here’s hoping.
Next: Pilou Asbæk: Euron Greyjoy “knows he’s going to die”
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