Valar Morghulis: Who’s most likely to die in “The Queen’s Justice”?

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Valar morghulis: All men (and women) must die. But when?

Welcome to Valar Morghulis, a weekly column about death and destruction in the wide world of Westeros. Each week, we’ll try to predict how likely every character on Game of Thrones is to breathe their last in the upcoming episode. We’ll also review what we got right, as well as what we got horribly wrong, last time.

Thankfully, last week’s episode, “Stormborn,” vindicated us. Unlike the first episode of the season, “Dragonstone,” “Stormborn” made like Game of Thrones and killed some people. We were beginning to worry.

Let’s take a look at what we got right:

"3. The Sand Snakes: 75%. Euron promised Cersei a gift, and that means someone’s head(s) is going to roll. Most of the people the people Cersei wants dead are in Dany’s forces, including the Sand Snakes, who conspired to kill Cersei’s daughter Myrcella. As they’re not very bright, the Sand Snakes’ number could be up."

Two out of three ain’t bad, right? Obara and Nymeria Sand were both brutally murdered by Euron Greyjoy during his vicious attack on Yara’s fllet. And we’d also like to point out that our prediction about the Sand Snakes not being very bright was spot on. How else would you describe taking on an armored mad man with a whip?

Now on to this week. Let’s start with that title. Previous monarchs in Westeros have employed a royal executioner known as the king’s justice. This episode is called “The Queen’s Justice.” Have Cersei or Dany named an executioner? That would help our body count.

****Percentages refer to how likely the character is to die, not survive.****