Watch the trailer for “Eastwatch,” the fifth episode of Game of Thrones season 7


Game of Thrones is not giving us a break. After tonight’s episode ended with a spectacular battle that saw the Lannsiter forces decimated by Drogon and the Dothraki (sidenote: great name for a metal band), Episode 5 of season 7 looks just as heart stopping. Enjoy the trailer:

If you’re wondering, the official title for the next episode is “Eastwatch,” according to HBO’s website. I guess we’re taking a break from all the action in the south for a minute.

On to the footage. It looks like Episode 705 will pick up where “The Spoils of War” left off, with the aftermath of Daenerys’ field of fire. Dany is offering the surviving Lannister soldiers the chance to join her or die, a choice that looks like it concerns Tyrion, who’s long counseled Dany against absolutism. There could be dissension in the ranks.

The other big moment is Bran’s out-of-body reconnaissance mission north of the Wall, and whatever information it gleans. Jon mentions that the Night King is headed for Eastwatch by the Sea, which is where Tormund and the Brotherhood Without Banners were headed a few episodes back. Are they about to reenter the story?

Next: 'The Spoils of War': Is this major character gone for good?

After a short episode this week, “Eastwatch” clocks in at 59 minutes, long for this show. Until it airs, we sit and count the hours.

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