This past Sunday, HBO aired the finale of Game of Thrones season 7, wherein the plotline between Arya Stark, Sansa Stark and Littlefinger came to a head. Star Maisie Williams talked about the dramatic finish on the Making of Game of Thrones blog, giving fans an inside view of Arya’s somewhat strange behavior this year.
For starters, Williams explained that she delivered a different kind of Arya this season. “A lot of her emotions have left her; I wanted her to be colder and darker,” she said. “She just trained to be a Faceless Man, where you basically have to completely forget who you are, and even though she’s gotten back on the track by going by the name of “Arya,” not every single aspect of her personality returned with her.”
The actress also outlined the reasons for the tension between the two Stark sisters this year, clarifying that the two weren’t working against Littlefinger from the beginning:
"Arya is struggling to accept the fact that it’s been hard for everyone. I think Sansa, too. They’ve all been through so much. It’s difficult to have sympathy for any other character coming out of what they’ve just lived. Arya is very hot-headed; she’s always been. I’ve always been grateful that it’s been at the right people, and now it’s at the wrong person, but she’s still the same character with that flaw. She struggles to keep her mouth shut. She doesn’t know what Sansa has been through, and she won’t hear it. She’s kind of turned into a little bit of a monster, and it’s directed at the wrong person, but she doesn’t know that."
Fortunately for the Starks, Arya and Sansa eventually put their issues aside and make the right move in the season finale. After trying to pit the sisters against each other, Littlefinger found himself trapped in the Great Hall with both of them, and subjected to a surprise trial. With information provided to her by Bran, Sansa declares Littlefinger guilty of murder and treason, and Arya carries out the sentence with a quick slash to the throat. Williams put it all in context: explains how this development contributed to the Stark family arc:
"Everyone wants a happy reunion but that’s not what’s going to happen on Game of Thrones; it’s not realistic for what they’ve been through. It’s important to have this test of loyalty between them; to have something they overcome together as a team. I’m thrilled that we got something cool to do and that they finally got rid of Littlefinger because he was the only real kink in the way that the North was running. You can’t have that great payoff in the final episode if there isn’t a journey to get you there."
Before season 7 wraps, we finally see a candid moment between Arya and Sansa. Littlefinger is dead, peace is restored (for now) and they feel relaxed enough to exchange compliments. Williams is happy with the new vibe. “Sansa and Arya are very different people,” she said.
"They really wouldn’t have survived what each other has survived; Arya would have been killed a long time ago if she had to live through all of the troubles Sansa’s been through. Arya’s not giving her the credit she deserves. But they realize Littlefinger is playing them and they ultimately pull through together. Arya executes him, but it’s really Sansa’s scene."
It’s terrific to see the camaraderie between Arya and Sansa again, especially because we know that Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams as best friends when not filming. “Sophie and I always said it would amazing to see Sansa on the throne and Arya as her Hand, and although that’s not really the case, they’re still playing those sorts of roles with each other.”
Now that things are more settled in Winterfell, can we expect that dagger to cross Cersei Lanniser’s neck next season? “[I think] Cersei is still very much on her list,” Williams said. “I think they’re all still very much on her list. But at the moment she’s sidetracked. She’ll always have that list, though. That’s what keeps her ticking.”
In any case, we can all agree with Brienne and assume Arya is pretty safe on her own…as long as an ice dragon doesn’t get in her way. “The White Walker and the dragon, Viserion, attacking the Wall is a pretty amazing moment, but also a scary moment. But then I remember Arya has a Valyrian steel dagger — not that a dagger could kill a dragon — but she can hopefully hold her own in the final season.”
Head to the Making of Game of Thrones blog to read the complete interview.
Next: HBO programming president Casey Bloys discusses filming Game of Thrones season 8
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