So unofficially, August was Superlative Month, where we took a look at the best parts of Season 10 of Doctor Who. With tomorrow being the end of August, we’ll end the Superlatives today with our final one: Best Callback to the Classics episode.
That episode goes to Empress of Mars, which had probably the biggest callback to the classics with the Ice Warriors and the return of the Alpha Centuri. In fact, there was so much history in this episode that we did a couple history reports about it for people so they would understand what was going on!
The Ice Warriors were originally seen in with the Second and Third Doctor in the original series. Followed by the Eleventh Doctor in the New Series. They’ve also been a huge part of the Prose and Audio collection of stories for different Doctors as well. Safe to say, these are popular aliens from both the Classic and the New Series.
The best thing about the Ice Warriors is that you never know when they’re going to be against the Doctor or an ally to him. It all depends on when they meet. In this particular episode, they were not dangerous, except for the fact that they just wanted their place back.
However, it’s not the Ice Warriors that made everyone who was a fan of the Classics get excited. Once the Doctor gave Mars back to the Ice Warriors, he sent out a call for help. The Alpha Centauri responded to the message and was voiced by the same person who had voiced the alien two other times. Specifically, only in the Classic Series.
This episode was a great callback to all of the Classic Whovians and was probably one of Mark Gatiss’s best works for Doctor Who. We were in what felt like a Classic episode, except with the benefit of today’s technology.
Congratulations to the Empress of Mars for the best “Callback to the Classic Series” award!
Here are the other Superlatives that we did: