Pearl Mackie teases Bill’s future and Twice Upon a Time



Pearl Mackie teases what Twice Upon a Time has in store for Bill Potts, and the possible future for the character.

Pearl Mackie teased information on Twice Upon a Time, including the fact that the episode will be a highly emotional episode.

"“I’d say have a box of tissues close at hand,” Mackie tells “As to be expected: it’s Peter’s last episode as the Doctor and my last episode as well.”"

But that wasn’t the only thing she teased about for the episode to Radio Times. She let slip that her character will be meeting David Bradley’s First Doctor and that his impression of William Hartnell is “uncanny”.

"“He’s great in it and very, very like the first Doctor, which is incredible,” said Mackie. “It’s uncanny.”"

It seems like everyone who has come across David Bradley’s First Doctor has great things to say about his interpretation.

But what could happen that could make the episode so incredibly sad? We’ve had it said by multiple people that viewers will need tissues. Is it just because of the regeneration, or is something else going to happen?

But what about the future of Bill?

Even though it’s been said this will be the last time we see the character, can we trust the creators of the show? It wouldn’t be the first time a companion has left and come back. In fact, this has happened to Bill herself! We all expected that her last episode would be The Doctor Falls, as it summed up her character’s story incredibly well.

How else would Bill leave besides going to travel the world in liquid form?

But viewers were surprised when it was announced that she would be in the Christmas Special. Is it possible she could come back again?

The actress said “never say never”, and in Doctor Who, that’s a good motto to live by.