Doctor Who Regen: What should be the 12th Doctor’s final words?

BBC, Doctor Who

 Each Doctor’s goodbye is a little different in Doctor Who. What should we expect from the Twelfth Doctor?

Every Doctor has a different way of saying goodbye. They normally get some sort of epic monologue, but it’s always reflective of who they are. The biggest part that’s different to every Doctor is their last words before they make that huge change.

With the different spoiler-free reviews being revealed by different websites, we’re all trying to figure out anything they might reveal. Digital Spy helped fans out a little by giving them a list of things to look out for. In this list, they mentioned that the Twelfth Doctor will get two epic monologues — most likely the first to the First Doctor to convince him to regenerate, and why it’s important. The second one will be the all-important one before his regeneration.

I always said Eleventh Doctor was the best Speech Doctor. However, recently after rewatching some of Twelve’s best episodes, I’ve changed my mind. When Peter Capaldi gives a speech as the Doctor, you see a passion. So it makes sense that he will get two speeches, especially given the apparently hard scenes from the episode.

As I was reading the list, I tried to think of what might be his immortal last words. One of the most interesting things about the Twelfth Doctor is that he doesn’t have a common phrase. With 10, he said “I don’t want to go”, the opposite of “Allons-y”. Eleven did a sort of soliloquy after eating his trademark food and saying goodbye to Amy and Amelia.

One of the features on the lists mentions the phrase “It’s been rock n’ roll.” There is only one constant throughout the 12th Doctor’s time: music. He didn’t have a food or a phrase, but he played guitar. He had music.

I don’t know where the phrase comes in during the episode, but what if it’s a clue to the Doctor’s final words? He’s always had music. He brought a guitar to an ax fight. He wrote a song called Clara. Music has surrounded the Doctor more than anything in the show.

Isn’t that the perfect send-off?

Next: 34 Actors that have been on Doctor Who

What do you think would be a nice final goodbye for The Doctor?