And the best costume of Game of Thrones season 7 was…

…Daenerys’ white fur outfit! Did anything else even stand a chance?

We got a lot of costume changes in season 7, but many of them were iterative. Cersei wore some killer threads, but by and large they were modeled off the dark queen look she first rocked in the season 6 finale. Jon Snow continued to embrace his Stark heritage with a sweet new direwolf gorget, while Sansa further built herself up as the Lady of Winterfell with yet darker colors and more fur. But Daenerys’ white fur was unlike anything we’d seen her — or anyone else — wear before. It stopped the show, and easily came out of top of the poll:

What was the best costume from Game of Thrones season 7?

Not that there weren’t other contenders. For example, commenters like Ida were glad to see Jorah Mormont get some new clothes after spending six seasons in the same yellow shirt:

"And I did think Jorah looked great in navy. Something about his entire demeanor has changed. His scenes with Dany are always great. You’ve reminded me now how my heart just sunk when they all left Dragonstone, and Jorah looked back. And the way he smiled when Dany made her fashionably late entrance with Drogon. Ha! :)"

Bandit77 continued the love for Jorah: “Jorah still looking like he is from Bear Island even though he was banished shows some Mormont loyalty. He looked like he was wearing the male version of Lyannas outfit!”

Again, I’m just happy he shed the yellow shirt. I wonder what color it was when he started to wear it.

Bandit77 was also a fan of Arya Stark’s new fighting leathers. “Arya dressed like her brother Robb and her father — it was a happy moment for fans of house Stark, so I’m definitely voting for that outfit.”

Between the costumes worn by Jon, Sansa, and Arya, pretty much everyone in the Stark family was embracing their Northern roots this season, sartorially speaking. Except for Bran; I doubt he’s giving much thought to fashion these days.

Stormborn, meanwhile, had praise for the Lannisters:

"I really enjoyed Cersei’s costumes this season and Dany’s white coat was sublime. It’s nice to see the new Queen’s Guard armour get a mention here as most articles seem to focus on individual characters."

Beyond dressing herself in a series of intimidating black gowns, Cersei was making over everyone on her staff, from the members of her queensguard…

…down to her handmaidens:

Although when it comes to the handmaidens, I wonder if Cersei made them dress like that or if they were just aping her style because she looked so terrific. Either way, her outfits were a treat to look at all year.

And in characters who would probably tell you to get lost if you complimented them on their clothes, zandru appreciated the Hound’s new duds:

"Personally, I was glad when the Hound got some nicer clothes than his loose-fitting rags from the Brother Ray days. There’s a man who looks good in armor."

And when I say the Hound would tell you to “get lost,” I think we all know that’s the G-rated version.

It was a great year for Game of Thrones fashion. May the eighth and final season be as memorable.

Next: Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones season 8 is “gonna be worth [the wait]”

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