Video: The Game of Thrones theme song played on calculators, and other covers

Ramin Djawadi’s epic Game of Thrones opening theme has inspired more than its fair share of covers. Today, we honor them.

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In easily the most unexpected cover of the day, YouTuber It’s a small World managed to play the theme using only calculators.

Way to put those things to good use.

For a more traditional cover, enjoy the Hódmezővásárhely Garrison Band playing the theme song in concert:

Everybody loves a mashup. Game of Thrones is often compared to Lord of the Rings, and one fan took the comparison to the next level.

Mordor as a stand in for King’s Landing? We can dig it.

Not to be left out, Avatar: The Last Airbender fans got their own mashup.

In celebrity covers, singer/songwriter Kacey Musgraves brings us the country version of the theme song:

And in perhaps the most adorable cover on offer today, a rabbit named Apollo makes his way through a cardboard replica of Winterfell while his parents hum the opening tune. Aw.

Game of Thrones features songs besides the opening theme. Below, YouTuber Dillon Gardner (with an unnamed accomplice) performs a dour version of “The Rains of Castamere” as we all have flashbacks to the Red Wedding.

In a slightly more uplifting version, dancers Priya Shah & Geatali Tampy perform choreography by Alvin Alex.

And finally, YouTube’s own PiscesRising performs a cover “Light of the Seven” that would make Djawdi himself proud.

Keep the music coming.

Next: Season 8 speculation: What started the [SPOILER] at [SPOILER]?

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