Entertainment Weekly reveals new images from Westworld season 2

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From left to right, we have Teddy Flood, the Man in Black (Ed Harris), Bernard Lowe (Jeffrey Wright), Dolores Abernathy, and Maeve Millay.

That hulking unfinished host from the trailer is called “Droid Host” and has something to do with a top-secret Delos project. It’s very big and very scary.

Will Bernard remain his quiet unassuming self in season 2? Or will he take on the role of Arnold and create new hosts like his mentor Rober Ford (Anthony Hopkins) did? Here’s Ber he is with Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson), the executive director of the Delos Destinations board.

I wonder if Bernard will tell Charlotte that he, is in fact, a host. Probably not right away, since the above photo appears to show Bernard leading the survivors of the massacre from the season 1 finale to an escape hatch somewhere in the park. Wherever they’re going, I’m sure head of security Ashley Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth) will be looking to help them.

The four-wheeler can only help.