Small Council: What was the funniest moment of Game of Thrones season 7?

Game of Thrones isn’t known for its humor, but no drama can survive on bloodshed and heartache alone. What was the funniest moment from Game of Thrones season 7?

DAN: I’ve gotta go with Cersei at the Dragonpit. Picture it: a creature out of legend, a giant flying lizard that can breath fire and eat horses whole, glides into view and proves that miracles are real. And what’s more, a woman is riding it; someone has managed to tame this impossible beast. What’s Cersei Lannister’s response to all of this? “You’re late.”

It’s wonderfully, deliciously petty and I love it. And it’s completely in keeping with Cersei’s character. Yes, Daenerys Targaryen just flew in on a mythical beast that could kill them all as easily as Cersei draws a breath, but she’ll be damned if she stands up, or moves a muscle on her face.

The moment has dramatic value, too, because when the wight-in-a-box gets up in Cersei’s grill later, she does lose her composure for a second, and it stands out.

Game of Thrones is a dramatic show, but I’m glad the producers have a sense of humor, and that they by and large know when to use it.

RAZOR: There were plenty of funny moments from season 7, some intentional and some not so much. However, a moment that stands out for me was Sandor “The Hound” Clegane’s travels with Thoros and Beric Dondarrion in the premiere episode, “Dragonstone.”

As The Hound and his new pals approach a snow-covered farm, he and Thoros have some words.

"Thoros: “Bad night to be outdoors.”The Hound: “You’ve got real powerful magic to figure that out. Did the Lord of Light whisper that in your ear? It’s snowing Thoros, it’s windy. It’s going to be a cold night.”"

Later, as the group dismounts and looks around, the Hound says he doesn’t like the look of the place — he recognizes it as where he robbed a farmer and left him for dead back in season 4.

"Thoros: “For a big hard man, you scare easy.”The Hound: “I’ll tell you what doesn’t scare me. Bald c**ksuckers like you. You think you’re fooling anyone with that topknot? Bald c*nt.”"

Thoros just laughs and tells the Hound there was probably some ale hidden there. I was already laughing from their exchange before they reached the farm, but when the Hound made fun of Thoros’ topknot, I had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard I had tears coming out of my eyes and I couldn’t pay attention to what was going on.

COREY: If we were picking funniest character of season 7, I would have to go with the Hound. That’s an award the Hound wins for virtually every season of which he’s a part (except maybe season 1). From his teasing of Thoros to his hilarious jaunt north of the Wall, the Hound was a riot this year. But we’re here to choose a funniest moment, and I have to go with Euron’s first saunter into the Red Keep.

We only got the briefest of glimpses at Euron in season 6, so his maniacal humor in season 7 was a welcome surprise. Not content with simply securing an alliance with Cersei, Euron decides to throw some shade at Jaime. “Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to grow up and marry the most beautiful woman in the world. So here I am with a thousand ships…and two good hands.” And that was just the beginning. Poor Jaime never stood a chance.

Euron sold the line; he was downright gleeful about it. This was not the dry, no-nonsense delivery the Hound is so famous for. Euron clearly finds himself hilarious. If Game of Thrones doesn’t lead to a career playing pirates in period dramas, maybe Pilou Asbæk has a place in comedy. Or better yet: pair him up with Rory McCann for a buddy cop movie. Asbæk as the cocky young(ish) hotshot, and McCann as the grumpy old seen-it-all curmudgeon. I can see it now…

RICHARD: I gotta agree that Sandor Clegane brought the funny this season, and all of the choices above gave me a chuckle. I’m gonna go with an obvious one: the title duel between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen in “The Queen’s Justice.”

The moment is funny because it throws into relief how different these characters are, and because Missandei reads her list so confidently while the normally smooth Ser Davos is so awkward.

"Missandei: “You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, The Mother of Dragons, The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains.”Ser Davos: (urged by Jon) “This is Jon Snow … he’s King in the North.”"

Davos’ brevity is funny because Jon’s title truly reflects who and what he is, while Daenerys’ titles truly reflect who and what she is. Jon is a bastard of questionable parentage who instinctively eschews power: he’d prefer to remain anonymous but fate has made him a leader, and his followers have given him a position—The King in the North—that apparently any man can be elected to (rather than inheriting it through blood).

Daenerys, on the other hand, is the scion of the ancient and once immensely powerful Targaryen family, so she has inherited their string of honorifics, and picked up a few of her own along the way. She thirsts for the power she believes was stolen from her family, and she feels entitled to the Iron Throne.

So when Ser Davos steps in after Missandei runs through Daenerys’ list of titles, he’s holding up a mirror to both of these characters, and lampoons both of them for their extremely different relationships to power.

What did you think was the funniest moment from the season? Choose up to three options in the poll below!

What was the funniest moment from Game of Thrones season 7?