Filming for Game of Thrones season 8 continues at Magheramorne Quarry, where the production has thrown up a ginormous green screen. We’ve seen a lot out of this set recently, including Unsullied soldiers assembling and what appeared to be a line of Dothraki warriors on horseback. Now, Twitter’s own Davy Orr brings us yet more video from the set, and this is the most action-packed one yet.
There’s a lot going on in this video, but pay particular interest to the clump of people weaving through the line of extras. They emerge from the crowd on the right side towards the end.
A little bit of action
— Davy Orr (@DavynightorrOrr) March 22, 2018
Let’s go over what’s not here. There nobody on horseback, so we can rule out mounted Dothraki. There don’t look to be many Unsullied-style spears in the crowd, either. New additions include smoke on the left side of the group and some fires burning on the right; those will probably be blended with whatever gets put in the background.
Is this the army of the dead, standing still as main cast members rush through it? (You can tell the six or so people on the move are cast members rather than extras because they’re not wearing helmets — it may not be realistic for battle, but this is TV and we need to see their faces.) Or, given that we’ve already seen the Unsullied and Dothraki on the scene, this could be a Northern army.

We think that last one makes the most sense. Whatever is going to go on that green screen, it involves a lot of moving parts, and it’s so important that the Unsullied, Dothraki and Northerners all have to be filmed looking at it.
Next: Game of Thrones will return to the Dragonpit in season 8
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