Why Rose’s surprise return in Partners in Crime worked


Before Series Four was broadcast, everyone knew that Rose was coming back. But no one expected her to show up in the opening episode! We look back at her surprise appearance, and why it still holds up really well.

When reviewing Partners in Crime last week, one moment in particular stood out towards the end of the episode. Donna’s just about to leave with the Tenth Doctor for brand new adventures, but before she does, she remembers she still has both her mother Sylvia’s car and the keys. She leaves the keys in a bin nearby, and tells a blonde woman which particular bin to direct Sylvia to.  It’s only at the end of the conversation that we see exactly who the blonde woman is: Rose Tyler.

Now, in terms of reveals, this moment wasn’t technically one of the biggest. Rose’s return to Series Four had been promoted long before Partners in Crime had been broadcast. When trailers were shown for the series, her appearance was heavily teased. So everyone knew that she was coming back.

It also didn’t have the biggest effect on the show’s story. It was a very brief appearance that didn’t really have any impact on later episodes. After all, the Doctor didn’t find out Rose was back until Turn Left.

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An unexpected appearance

But her return still got people talking. The key reason for this was that no one was expecting it. While everyone knew Rose was coming back, we also knew that it wouldn’t be until the very end of the series. At least, that was the impression we had been given.

Having her show up long before that, and not even remotely expect it, was a very nice touch. The reason that we were all caught off guard was that Russell T Davies knew we were expecting her to come back, but not when.

And, with everyone focused on the return of Donna Noble, it was a nice way to sneak an appearance from Rose when we least expected it. Even better, he did it in such a way that didn’t completely detract from Donna’s story.

Help from the BBC

It’s also fantastic that the BBC didn’t give the game away. In all promotion for Partners in Crime, at least, there was no hint of Rose showing up. There was never a point where she featured on a magazine cover, or was credited in an official synopsis before broadcast.

Sometimes, it’s difficult for the BBC to keep quiet about surprises. (As we learned from Series Ten last year.) So it was good that they were able to keep quiet about this one. (Not to mention other, bigger surprises that Series Four had for us.)

Rose’s very brief return in Partners in Crime still remains as a fantastic little moment. It works as a nice piece of foreshadowing, and leaves viewers with a ton of questions about her return. And it was a surprise done exactly right, with no clue to it whatsoever. It’s a moment that still holds up.

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What do you think about Rose’s brief return in Partners in Crime? Is it a moment that still holds up? Were you surprised when you first watched the episode? Give us your opinions in the comments below.