Back in December, Game of Thrones star Kit Harington (Jon Snow) debuted his new show, Gunpowder, on HBO. (Check out our review.) Harington plays the lead role of Robert Catesby, one of a number of Catholic conspirators who tried to blow up the House of Lords on November 5, 1605 in an attempt to assassinate King James I. That event would become known as the Gunpowder Plot, as referenced in movies like V for Vendetta and celebrated every year in the UK. But as Harington points out to The Sydney Morning Herald, the meaning behind the celebration has changed over the years:
"You see, that’s the funny thing – really why it became remembered is because the government made it a national holiday so every Catholic in the land, and everyone thinking about treason, would remember the 5th of November and why they shouldn’t do what they’re thinking of doing. It was a piece of propaganda. Now it’s become this wonderful evening of toffee apples and fireworks and fun and mulled wine. It’s changed its meaning."
Harington didn’t just star in Gunpowder; he developed the show himself, and served as an executive producer. Part of the confidence to do that came from working on Game of Thrones and seeing how it was done, although as a first-time producer, there was a bit of a learning curve. “I never really realized quite how difficult shooting a period drama is, even having been in one for years,” he said. “I’ve never really been on the other side, trying to organize it or make it work. Everyone has to be in expensive costumes. You can’t just walk out into the street and film something – you’ve got to build the street.”
"I walked onto the set on Gunpowder going, ‘What do you mean we don’t have 200 extras?’ Nothing competes with Thrones. I knew that going in."
Gunpowder is a solid show, but at the moment, I think most of us are more interested in Harington’s work on the final season of Game of Thrones. Harington didn’t reveal much, but the Herald did say he was “audibly weary” during the interview, having come off a long day of shooting. “It was a grueling day, I’m not going to lie.”
Thrones showrunner Dan Weiss has hinted that Harington was going to have to “get in good shape [for season 8.] Gonna be swinging that sword a lot.” Hope he’s ready.
Back to Gunpowder, Harington talked about what Robert Catesby and Jon Snow have in common:
"They’re both quite introverted in some ways, and they’re both very serious about what they believe. They both hold their morals, and their moral compass and their code of honour, very close to their chest. But they’re entirely opposite in what they set out to achieve. Jon Snow’s all about protecting lives and saving lives and doing everything he can to avoid violence in many ways. Catesby’s the opposite: He wants to see death and destruction."
For more on Gunpowder, including Harington’s justification for its “revolting” scenes of violence (it looks like Game of Thrones rubbed off on him in more ways than one), head to The Sydney Morning Herald.
Next: Game of Thrones security workers angry over 'measly' pay raise: 'Winter is still here'
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