Who would you trust with your life at the Westworld parks?
Westworld colleagues are a tad unstable, a.k.a. Logan. Lovers are a tad emotional, a.k.a. Dolores (you feel me, Teddy!). Upper management? No way. But there’s only one person I trust and that’s Felix, the lovable livestock tech.
I am giddy to see him return in episode 3. Mindfully played by Leonardo Nam, Felix is the best friend I would want in Westworld or any of the other parks.
Viewers will recognize him from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Any friend of actor/director/poet/novelist Amber Tamblyn is a friend of mine! Here is my unapologetic fan-doration of Felix from HBO’s Westworld season 1.

Felix is more than a livestock tech or “butcher” as his cranky colleague Sylvester (played by Ptolemy Slocum) proclaims. When Felix goes off script and codes a little bird back to life, his smile is the best. He is curious how things work and is a bit rebellious.
He gives you bad news with an emotional pillow to land on. Felix is very patient and compassionate when explaining to Maeve about her true reason for being.
He risks his job even further to give her a personal tour of all the departments – set poetically to Radiohead’s Fake Plastic Trees. When he delicately repeats “Upstairs,” he is so junior high dance adorable. Nam adds a quiet tenderness that is endearing.
He cautiously guides Maeve escalator by escalator. He’s scared but with her every step. Sylvester wants to “brick her” to death and Felix saves her life.

When Maeve and her allies are in cold storage, they find Bernard on the floor in a pool of his own blood. “Can you fix him,” she asks. Felix is visually shaken because he had no idea that Bernard was a host. Felix holds out his arms like a robot because he’s not sure if he’s a human or a host.
He looks like he’s going to bust out a poppin’ & lockin’ robot dance–levity at its best. Maeve also asks Felix to locate her daughter from another narrative. Then she changes her mind but Felix sees right through her change of heart.

Armistice is another scene stealer I adore. The elevator scene in the volatile season 1 finale where she blows sweet nothings into Felix’s ears is hilarious. No matter how scared Felix gets, he keeps it together. Later, Felix and Maeve are riding in another elevator to secure her departure.
Before she goes, Felix hands Maeve a small piece of paper with the written site of her daughter: “Park 1 Sector 15 Zone 3.” He knew Maeve still wants her daughter. Sometimes good friends know us better than we know ourselves. Maeve quickly leaves the train and comes back–the first real decision she makes without programming.

One of the best things about Westworld is the opportunity to watch actors you’ve never seen before. It’s like opening a birthday gift or finding $20 in your coat pocket. It’s unicorns serving unlimited tacos. Louis Herthum, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, and Leonardo Nam are actors I didn’t know. Now they’re my favorites.
So glad they’re back for season 2! Can a world of violent delights have a tender and open heart? Yes, it can with these talented actors. Find out what happens to our friends in episode 4, Riddle of the Sphinx, on Westworld season 2 Sundays at 9 pm on HBO.
Written by fans, for fans.
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