Westworld theories and observations of what we know about season 2 episode 9: ‘Vanishing Point’. What is the truth for each character, and most importantly, what was it for Arnold? As you read ahead, please be wary of spoilers!
The Westworld season 2, episode 9 trailer opens with a dripping metallic ball and an apparent suicide in a bathtub. Most people are assuming that it is William’s wife, Juliet, but remember we were told she took pills. Could it potentially be Grace?
She could be a host, especially if she did it in the home of James Delos, but a suicide attempt doesn’t always equal success, so it’s possible we’re assuming too much here. Did Grace or William attempt suicide? Was this Juliet’s first attempt? Or are we looking at something entirely different?

The hand definitely looks female, and the water imagery fits Juliet better than Grace, but this season is all about change and expecting the unexpected, so I wouldn’t rely too much on suppositions.

Juliet’s entrance
Which brings us to Juliet, played by Sela Ward, who is a master of facial and body subtleties. In just a few shots you can see her love, her feeling of responsibility, her pain, her regret, and some deeper anger. She wears the mask well on every level. Her body language suggests she’s hiding a lot, especially from William, but we already know that.

One thing I’d like to see in this episode is an examination of how that photo that showed up in Peter Abernathy’s hands in season one. I think we’ll find something more there.

William in two Westworld timelines
From there, we look at William. Obviously, the Man in Black is still on his path to redemption, but young William is still a wild card in terms of potential. His interactions with his daughter, I suspect, will be most telling, but Sela Ward is going to dominate these scenes with her presence. The scenes with young William will be interesting to watch, as the character seems so out of place.

Now we get to what everyone is wondering: is the Man in Black a host now? I’ve theorized since the beginning of season two that he was transformed into a host after the massacre in the season one finale and that the most likely involvement is Ghost Nation, as they’re nowhere to be found that night.
I may be way off the mark, but it’s a theory gaining traction in the fan community. Other theories are that there’s a young William host somewhere or alternate Williams. Ed Harris pointing a gun at his head definitely throws out some implications.

The theme of the moment seems to be “seeking the truth.” Dolores is seeking the Valley Beyond. Akecheta and Maeve are seeking the door. Clearly, there are unanswered questions with the Man in Black, as well. But it seems that Arnold and Ford came to the conclusion that the ultimate truth is not immortality but death itself.

The hosts have destroyed the Cradle, thus bringing them closer to this truth, which is a topic we’ve already discussed. They desire the truth of humanity, which is, indeed, real and permanent death. But there’s a larger narrative at play.
First, we have to examine Dolores and her current intentions. What is her ultimate goal? There’s so much more we need to know about Peter’s core and her previous experiences in the Valley Beyond.

And then the big picture: what have Arnold and Ford set into motion, individually or together? It’s the penultimate question, and the last episode may have made viewers forget about all the references to “Arnold’s [bigger] game”.

Open Questions
This brings us back to some questions that need addressing.
1. How are the hosts made? I’m sure there’s a very interesting answer to this and I’ve been dying to know for ages.
2. What’s the difference between host generations? Are there hybrids? Outliers? What is Maeve on that spectrum?
Next: Westworld: What we wish to see in season 2, episode 9
3. Where’s Charlotte? I still think her background will provide some clues, but we also need to determine her true intentions. And is what Bernard told her behind the glass really the same thing he told the group? Signs point to no.
4. We have so little going on with Elsie, but she’s a key character. Why? What don’t we know? What are we not seeing?
5. Why is Ghost Nation apparently absent from Dolores’s Westworld-wide massacre?
Tell us your questions and theories in the comments and watch Westworld season 2, episode 9: ‘Vanishing Point’ this Sunday on HBO at 9 PM EST!