Once upon a time, Jon Snow died, and the internet was thrown into turmoil. Were they really going to kill off such an important character? Was Kit Harington coming back? It got to the point where some people (okay, us) were reporting on Harington’s hair length, watching to see if was ever shorn, thus proving that Jon Snow really was gone.
Of course, you know the end of that story. Harington didn’t cut his hair (or at least, not enough to fool anyone) and Jon Snow was resurrected. But now, with important cast members saying their goodbyes, things are different, and Kit Harington tells Entertainment Weekly that he finally plans to chop off his iconic locks when the series is over.
"I’d like to step away and enjoy the obscurity, cut my hair, make myself less recognizable as the character, and go do and some other things with a completely new look and tone."
Yes, that’s very interesting about the new horizons and everything, but let’s go back to the hair. How short are we talking? “Short-short,” Harington says. “The beard will be harder to get rid of — I quite like the beard. I like having the long hair and beard both, but it will be like ritualistic thing. I can’t go into my next role looking the same. This role was brilliant, but I’ll need to get rid of Jon Snow.”

We expect that seeing Harington with short hair will be another one of those “the show is really ending” moments, but we’ll ford that stream of emotions when we come to it
It’s interesting that Entertainment Weekly is speaking to Harington at all. EW has long had on-set access to the cast and crew, and we look forward to seeing their coverage, although we don’t expect it for a while. We’re also not sure when EW spoke to Harington, but it notes that, given his schedule, the actor will probably still have his signature locks come his wedding to Rose Leslie (Ygritte) on June 23.
So filming is almost completely done, but not. Quite. Yet.
Next: George R.R. Martin claims to have written himself "into a corner"
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