Game of Thrones fans are some of the most creative there are, and in their excitement for season 8, have taken to creating their own posters for the show’s final season. Again. And again. And again. There seems to be no end to their creativity, and as evidence we present yet another batch. Enjoy.
"Haven’t posted anything here in quite a while! Thought he Free Folk might enjoy this poster series I did in excitement for season 8. They are respectively: Dany & Drogon, the Night King & Viserion, Jon & Rhaegal from freefolk"
This first one looks like a mobile game for the turn of the millennium. Burn as many of your enemies as you can! Make sure to get the point multiplier!
“One last time”
— Jon Snow (@JonSnowTM) May 20, 2018
Ugh. This one just might end up being the most accurate poster of them all. Should Cersei choose to burn King’s Landing to the ground, or if the Night King does the work for her, we can see the queen walking calmly through the destruction.
Face the end. #GameOfThrones #GoTS8
— The Night King (@WightsKing) June 1, 2018
What? No Jon Snow? Jon’s not dead is he? OMG, we’re totally freaking out now.
"Everything makes sense now from freefolk"
Um. What exactly is going on here? And why do we get a Blade Runner vibe from this poster?
Fan poster for GoT season 8!
— Game of Thrones Memes (@Thrones_Memes) June 12, 2018
The Dance of Dragons 2.0 would be worth the price of admission alone. Any price. Also, are those ravens in the bottom right hand corner, signalling that Rhaegal is coming to the rescue under Bran’s control? The old Three Eyed Raven did say Bran would fly…
"[Spoilers] Super Cool fan made poster for S8 from gameofthrones"
This next one looks straight out of a graphic novel for which we would pay obscene amounts of money for. If we get a scene half as good as this one in season 8, we’ll be happy.
"[Spoilers] Cool S8 poster fan made give credits in the comments if you know who made this from gameofthrones"
This looks like a mashup of Battle of the Bastards Jon Snow, and Hardhome Night King. We can dig it. That tag line sounds ominous, but has there every been a season where war didn’t come?
Fan made poster for GoT season 8!
— Lord Snow (@LordSnow) July 17, 2018
Simple, but well done. Profile shots of our heroes, with the Night King lurking in the background.
"[SPOILERS] Ice ❄️ and Fire 🔥 from gameofthrones"
Again, simple, but well done. Drogon and Viserion look like Smaug if you ask us (but no one ever does). And that wraps up this edition of our fan made poster roundup. Something tells us there will be quite a few more before season 8 debuts in 2019.
Next: Game of Thrones star Kristian Nairn thought Hodor might be the third Clegane brother
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