Christopher Nolan is bringing 2001: A Space Odyssey to IMAX

With the possible exception of Star Wars, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is the most influential science fiction movie of all time. Now, to celebrate the 50 anniversary of its release, Warner Bros. has announced that it’ll be headed to IMAX screens later this August for a special one-week engagement. Let us ascend:

2001 is nominally about a pair of astronauts on a trip to Jupiter to investigate a mysterious monolith, but like a lot of great movies, it’s less about what it’s about than how it’s about it. Kubrick has big ideas here about the next stage of human evolution, and invented a lot of our modern cinematic language to convey them.

Also there’s a murderous computer named HAL 9000, which is always fun.

It’s coming in two forms. Form one: The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan over the restoration of a 70mm print that will be shown in four theaters located in Burbank, New York City, San Francisco and Toronto. For those of us who don’t live anywhere near those places, a 4k version is coming to an additional 350 screens.

If you’re the world’s biggest 2001 fan and also have a pile of money in the corner of your room you’re not using, you may be interested in the wall-mounted HAL 9000 prop replica from Master Replica Group. They’ve recreated the computer in every detail, only it doesn’t listen to you and won’t try to kill you…yet.

The replica will run people $600, $1200 if you include the optional Command Console. I imagine seeing the movie in IMAX will be enough, but if you want to touch the monolith and go to the next level, the option is there.

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h/t The A.V. ClubIndiegogo