Game of Thrones fan spends 1400 hours 3D-printing a life-sized Tyrion Lannister

From recreating King’s Landing in Minecraft to producing their own fan films, there are few lengths to which Game of Thrones fans will not go to express their love for all things Westeros. We thought we’d seen it all, but Thingiverse user Jeff Christianson has upped the ante. Using A 3D printer and over 1400 hours, Christianson has created a life-size Tyrion Lannister statue that could easily stand in for Peter Dinklage himself (in wide shots, at least). Behold:

Image: Sir_Ken
Image: Sir_Ken

According to HypertextChristianson made use of22 pounds of black PLA in crafting his creation. Work involved gluing together different pieces, using glazing putty to fill in gaps, sanding, priming and finally paining using a combination of airbrushing and acrylic paint to really bring the Half Man to life. (Impressively, Christianson had apparently never used an air brush before.) Once completed, the paint, epoxy and glue added a further three pounds to Tyrion’s weight, which clocked in at 25 pounds. The finished statue is 4’5″ tall, the same height as Peter Dinklage.

After all that work, we’d be happy to share a cup of wine or eight with Tyrion, real or 3D-printed.

Image: Sir_Ken
Image: Sir_Ken

You can get the files to make your own Tyrion polyester pal here. And if a to-scale model of the littlest Lannister doesn’t tickle your 3D-printing fancy, there’s always Christianson’s 3D-printed Iron Throne. 

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