Funnies: Let’s play around with the new season 8 footage

Earlier this week, HBO dropped the first official footage from the final season of Game of Thrones, two whole seconds of Jon and Sansa hugging each other. Behold:

If you thought two seconds of footage isn’t enough for us to analyze from angle, clearly you are not familiar with how we roll.

Anyway, immediately after the footage came out, fans started to cut it together with other clips. It just kind of works. Jon hugs Sansa and she looks at something offscreen. But what is it? The internet is here to help:

"Finally found the extended clip of the season 8 footage from freefolk"

Then we got a hold of it and sort of went crazy. Let’s play everyone’s new favorite game: What Is Sansa Stark Looking At?

Realistically, the most popular answer seems to be Daenerys Targaryen, in one form or another:

But there are other people in Dany’s retinue…

…and we can’t forget about Sansa’s own family…

…or her lords bannerman:

And then there’s always the possibility that she’s looking at someone who has absolutely no reason to be at Winterfell.

And finally, the one I think is most likely to actually happen:

Thank you for letting us get that out of our system. If you have any of your own cuts, link them in the comments! But keep them PG-13.

In other things to make you chuckle on a Friday, check out this supercut of all the times the Hound didn’t give a f**k:

And finally, this alternate version of the time Jon Snow met Daenerys Targaryen made me laugh harder than I thought it would:

"Daenerys tells Jon what kept her standing through the years in exile. from freefolk"

You tell ’em, Dany.

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