Last week, we learned that King Kong and Mulholland Drive star Naomi Watts will have a leading role in HBO’s as-yet-untitled Game of Thrones prequel, set thousands of years before any of the characters we know and love were born. Now, speaking to Entertainment Tonight, she talked about her new gig, and about her history with Thrones, for the first time:
"I am late coming to it, I have to say. But that’s how I am with lots of things in life. I am binging it right now and studying. It’s very exciting."
Okay, so that doesn’t tell us much new information, but it is exciting to see how fast HBO is moving on this. We also know that Josh Whitehouse of Poldark is coming on board in another lead role. The final season of Game of Thrones is still months away, but I’m already dreading the long dark Thrones-less night to follow. At minimum, HBO’s prequel show (or shows, if you want to read in to comments from George R.R. Martin), will ease the pain, and at best give me a new TV obsession.

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Anyway, obviously Watts hadn’t seen Thrones before landing this role, but says she’s now “beyond” a fan. I’m almost jealous; wouldn’t it be fun if you’d never seen Game of Thrones before and got to absorb all seven seasons in quick succession?
As for who she’s playing, we still don’t know, but given her coloring I’m sticking with an ancient Lannister relation. On the latest episode of Take the Black Live, we even wondered if she might play Lann the Clever, the trickster who winkled Casterly Rock from the Casterlys. True, Lann is a guy, but who’s to say information on who he really was didn’t degrade over the millennia? Most of this society isn’t big on record-keeping, after all.
But that’s just one theory. Hopefully we’ll find out more soon.
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