Let’s just get this out of the way: I hated Netflix’s Black Mirror movie, Bandersnatch. For those who haven’t seen it, the hook is that at one point, you the viewer have to make a choice, and if you chose wrong you have to watch stuff over again until you choose right. It was bad and Netflix should feel bad.
Still, that’s no reason to get slapped with a lawsuit. Nevertheless, Chooseco, the publisher of Choose Your Own Adventure stories, is suing the streaming giant for aping their thing without permission, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
According to Chooseco’s complaint, Netflix did try to get permission, engaging in “extensive negotiations,” but in the end never got a license. And there is a part in the movie where the characters discuss the Choose Your Own Adventure books by name, so Chooseco may have a leg or two to stand on here. From the complaint, Chooseco alleges that the “dark and, at times, disturbing content dilutes the goodwill for an positive associations with Chooseco’s mark and tarnishes its products.” Wouldn’t want to do that.

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So it looks like Netflix made the wrong choice and participated in trademark infringement. Chooseco is seeking $25 million in damages “or Netflix’s profits, whichever is greater.” It also wants injunctive relief, which could mean you won’t be able to watch Bandersnatch for much longer.
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