HBO and Bud Light won an award for that brutal Super Bowl commercial

Credit: HBO
Credit: HBO /

We may not have gotten a full-blown Game of Thrones trailer during the Super Bowl, but we did get a pretty entertaining commercial. At first glance, viewers may not have realized it was related to Game of Thrones at all, but once the Mountain showed up and crushed the Bud Knight’s skull with his bare hands, people got the idea, and the dragon burning everyone alive left no doubt:

The commercial was a joint venture between HBO and Bud Light, and it looks like their efforts paid off. Per US Campaign, the Bud Knight commercial won the 5th Annual Creative Bowl Super Clio, given out each year by a panel of advertising experts to the most impactful Super Bowl commercial. The panelists agreed that the commercial was very unique and that both companies did a great job collaborating. On juror commented that the commercial was the “most surprising piece and felt right from beginning to end.”


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There were a total of eight commercials up for this award. The 11-member jury narrowed that down to a top five, and then discussed what did or didn’t stand out about each one. I’m not sure anything could compete with dragons and murder.

And yet, there’s still a bittersweetness as the words “Game of Thrones: Final Season” blink onto the screen at the end of the commercial, and I’m back to wanting a proper trailer for season 8. But this will do for now.

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