We’re just a few weeks away from the final season of Game of Thrones, and HBO has dropped the official character posters, the last ones we’ll ever have. Naturally, they’re all sitting the Iron Throne. Let’s have a look.

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Here’s Jon Snow, aka Aegon Targaryen, claiming his destiny:

Daenerys Targaryen is looking fierce as the Queen of Seven Kingdoms:

I’m really digging Cersei’s armor-plated dress:

Jaime is no longer in that shiny Lannister-plated armor:

Does Tyrion look angry? Worried? Or is it just another day at the office?

Arya Stark rules by the sword:

Sophie Turner previously said that Sansa would wear a kind of armored dress in season 8. This must be what she was talking about:

Bran looks comfortable:

Brienne also has her sword out, ready for battle:

Ser Davos looks appropriately austere:

Euron Greyjoy on the Iron Throne is a terrifying sight…

…but not as terrifying as the Night King:

Grey Worm is dressed for winter and looks ready to stab someone:

Sit up straight, Ser Jorah:

Did Melisandre see herself on the throne when looking into her fires?

Missandei looks to be wearing the same thing she had on from season 7:

Sam the Slayer, First of his Name:

Theon Greyjoy in full armor:

The Spider on his throne:

And finally, the Hound gets a chance at ruling:

All of the characters have emojis as well; just use their hashtag:
#DaenerysTargaryen#JonSnow#CerseiLannister#AryaStark pic.twitter.com/wI0OUsHwIe
— TV (@TV) February 28, 2019
#JaimeLannister#TyrionLannister#SansaStark#BranStark pic.twitter.com/nhVrtWpyor
— TV (@TV) February 28, 2019
#BrienneOfTarth#DavosSeaworth#EuronGreyjoy#JorahMormont pic.twitter.com/WbZlB1yDHW
— TV (@TV) February 28, 2019
#Melisandre#Greyworm#SamwellTarly#Varys pic.twitter.com/jhk7xzLGpC
— TV (@TV) February 28, 2019
#TheonGreyjoy#TheHound#NightKing#Missandei pic.twitter.com/sIOCOpGlqp
— TV (@TV) February 28, 2019
These posters are already all over Times Square in New York City, complete with a Twitter ticker displaying fans’ favorite moments:
Send a raven, New York City.
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) February 28, 2019
Tweet who you think will sit on the Iron Throne using #ForTheThrone for a chance to be featured in Times Square. pic.twitter.com/5Dg4qkYBoS
We’re in the great game now.
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