Take the Black Podcast: Breaking down the season 8 trailer as only we can

Welcome to an all-new episode of Take the Black Podcast with House Razor, the reason Take the Black Live with House Selcke wakes up every morning with a migraine. On this week’s episode, we talk about the official Game of Thrones season 8 trailer, because what else would we possibly discuss?

On the off-chance you haven’t seen the trailer, here’s a quick refresher:

As usual, the Take the Black Podcast leans on the NSFW side of things, so watch out for falling F-bombs. You’ve been warned.

If you want to listen to the episode directly, click think link.

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What did you think of our deep dive? What did we miss? What did we get right? Let’s talk about it in the comments below. Special shoutout to listeners Kenny Adamo, Amiee, Dominick, James Cunningham, Mark Freeman and Sue from Twitter. Thanks for listening, gang!

Also, don’t forget to check out Take the Black Live with House Selcke on the Winter is Coming Facebook page every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CST. Valar Morghulis, y’all.

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